
first rule to happiness:
free your heart

thought of the day

Radiohead is neither music nor noise
it's ART

i love to see...

that look boys get when you know they're thinking
"i love you"

it has come to this.

all i need in life anymore is

1. netflix
2. puzzles
3. a plane ticket outta here

so there's this guy

and the way he smiles makes me smile.
and the sound of his voice makes my heart skip a beat.
and when i see him i get butterflies.


after all this time?

i still:

-fall every time i see him.
-blush at any mention of him.
-get butterflies thinking of him.
-see there's a meaning to all this.

and i still know i love him.

after love at first sight, and many years of heartbreak, and many years of patience.
he entered my life again, and what began was 

wonderful, perfect, unbelievable happiness.