"one-of-a-kind" kind of person

i'm one of a kind. i found out this weekend that i sleep talk :) it was an interesting experience after hearing about it. i freaked my two best friends out as they took me home. i didn't have a thought process, i just talked and talked and talked. and i called my favorite person and we talked on the phone for over two hours. i don't remember hardly any of the conversation which is interesting. when we talked today we had a good laugh over the things i said the night before. he is so patient with me it's wonderful. i always thank him for it. he told me all about what we talked about and said he thought it was a lovely chat. he told me he was sorry i couldn't remember it. he told me he knew i was asleep but he stayed on the phone because it made me feel better. the parts i do remember make me smile. as i think back to try and figure out how we got on those topics it makes me laugh even harder. i'll never forget this night, even though i have hardly any memory of it. i'm a one-of-a-kind kind of person, it's official. :)

my dream.

Iceland is the greatest country in the world. if you don't think so, let me convince you otherwise.

1. they are the happiest nation in the world
2. the speak the language of the Vikings
3. all they worry about, it what they are going to create next

everything about that county i love. i love it all. i want it all. i want to go there, live there, raise my kids there. that would be the dream. speak the language, work in Reykjavik, grow old there. everything would be perfect. i'll be honest, what excites me the most is the country side of Iceland. did you know, the reason they only really have one large city is because they gave the rest of the land to the elves? so much country remains in iceland, that is the best. they leave a meadow because it is believed that an elf lives there. no one knows why.

their language is that of the Vikings, old norse. icelanders are true to their heritage, and proud of it. they use the same language they have always used. no new words. even the word for computer is old. i love the language.

*it flows like french
*it's harsh like german
*it's characters are similar to Russian
~it's old norse.

i love it.
ég elska það.

no problem. i'm learning it. now. 
this is one dream i'll never give up on. i'll keep working. i'll keep learning. Iceland here i come!

P.S. <hluti með dreng eru frábær.>

my new friend.

last weekend was an interesting one for me. i met a new friend and we connected instantly. we connected so quickly, we also fell for eachother. im scared at first. i don't even know him! i don't know what to do. i'm the kind of girl who always runs from boys. they have only every caused me pain as of late especially, but i have a feeling this one is different. it's coming naturally too, sort of. i'm not running away, i'm scared to death, i'm very nervous, i'm really flattered. everything i'm doing is not my normal. it's becoming increasingly interesting to me how two people connect without any reason at all. like we did. without reason, without knowing. who will ever know why. it's becoming increasingly interesting to me how i'm going against who i am normally to try this out. i don't know why. i'm trying to not run away, i'm trying to keep my mind from taking over, i'm trying to let this happen. i guess i'm willing cuz i feel i know him? we connected. i don't know why, but anyway i have emotions bouncing all around, i needed to express, get them out somehow.
advice will help :)

að koma í veg

ég hef sætur hrifin. Mér líkar honum mikið og það er skrýtin tilfinning. en hvað, engu að síður hefur hann verið að tala við mig í dag og ég hef lært mikið um hann, hann er klár, skemmtilega, og fús til að reyna hlutina. ég held að þeir eru þrír af bestu eiginleika fyrir strák að hafa. hann er mjög sætur strákur, enn enginn veit að ég eins og hann ... og ég svona vill það til að vera svona vegna þess að ég óttast það myndi breytast undarlegt. hann er orðinn vinur minn sem upp á síðkastið, hann er fjári sætur strákur. En ég hef tekið eftir því að hann lítur á mig mikið, eins og ég grípa augað hans mikið. sem er gott ég vona, ég vona að hann líkar vel við mig aftur, hann er einhver að ég gæti séð mig mætur mjög mikið, eins og a tonn kannski. Uppáhalds hlutur minn um hann er brosið þegar hann brosir það er ekki bara bara varir hans og kinn hans, það tekur allt andlit sitt til að tjá það, svo raunveruleg. og hlátur hans fær mér alltaf til að hlæja með. vinur minn sagði mér að spyrja hann að upp koma skólanum dans, ég veit ekki hvernig mér finnst um það. ó drengur, ég held ég ætla að tala um að einn út. vel takk fyrir að hlusta. elska þig, bless.

GOLDEN knowledge.

the game of flirting, as told by a boy.
1. they single you out in a crowd,
2. they talk to you a lot,
3. they will sit by you, a lot,
4. the notorious 'nudge' haha so i'm told...
5. the test, this is where it gets good, and a girl can lose,
6. official-ness(?) haha and after that, they will keep 'testing' you to see if you like them, i don't know why, people are just buggers that way i guess.